Friday, May 11, 2018

Messy Notebook Pages

You can always doodle and write down quotes in your notebook! It will entertain you for at least 15 minutes. We love using different colors to draw and write! We love writing in our notebooks because it’s fun to use different colored pens/ fun pens. Sometimes we use so many pens that we make a huge mess! Signed Peyton and Kushi

Hi, I’m Peyton and I am part of Ms. Haseltine’s 6th-grade class. I love to play sports at the moment I do Karate and I am a Blue- Stripe. I love my family and friends and I have two boxer puppies. If you like what I have written today then check out my blog Finding Perfect For more!

Hey, I’m Kushi the other part of this Blog Takeover from Ms. Haseltine’s 6th-grade class. I love to swim, dance and play sports in general. I have a little sister and a Bichon Frise, who is named Cosmo and he is only one year old. I love to spend time outside with my family or just chill and draw something. If you have enjoyed what we have done you can check out her blog or my blog, Dreamers Blog for more!

Please know that Sharing Our Notebooks welcomes all kinds of notebook keepers - of any age and interest - to open up their pages and share their process. If you are interested in writing in this space, please contact me, Amy, directly.  I welcome you!

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Ok, you know I love this post! Messy makes me so happy! These colorful pages are so inspiring and they make me want to run and grab my notebook and pens!

  2. I can totally tell Ms. Haseltine is your teacher. : ) Did she tell you about those wonderful Ink Joy gel pens too? (She got me hooked!) Adding color to your notebook is a great way to personalize it. I think your post is very important for a lot of writers to read because so many of us (me!) think a notebook has to be orderly, filled with lines of words. Doodling is also a great way to think and write. I think I'll try some in my notebook this weekend. I'll probably even use my Ink Joy pens. :) Thanks for the suggestion, Peyton & Kushi.

    Write on,
    Mrs. Laffin

  3. I love the mix of colors! Creativity can be messy, that’s the great thing about it!

  4. Three cheers for messy! This post makes me smile - earlier this week I took a photo of my desk. It had a cat right in the middle of the papers and things, but you might not even have noticed! Your advice to copy quotes is a great one too. Sometimes the words of another inspire our own. Thank you, Peyton and Kushi, for sharing here today. It is such a pleasure to host you and your colleagues! xx

  5. I also love copying quotes down! When I was younger I asked my parents if I could write on my wall and then I copied some of my favorite quotes onto my bedroom wall in rainbow colors. It was always so nice to walk into my room and see all the words that mean something to me. I also love being creative when it is messy because I feel like it lets me open my mind up to new ideas! :)

  6. Love the messy colors and the collection of quotes, a page to return to more than once!

  7. I am such a big fan of colored pens! I was a big note taker in school, and had a special pen with 5 colored inks in one single pen! It was my favorite. And I still love colored pens! I have a bag of 6 colored sharpies for book signings! :-) Thank you for sharing. Fun post!

  8. My students and I have been so inspired by these notebook posts! Today’s post, while billed as messy, is absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. I love quotes and messy notebooks! I can’t wait to share your posts with my sixth graders.

  10. This is SO much fun! I love that you titled this "Messy Notebook Pages" because messy is my middle name when it comes to writing. I don't know if it's because I tend to rush when I'm writing...maybe my hands are trying to keep up with the ideas in my brain...? Either way, I can read it, and I guess since it is for my eyes only, that's all that matters, right? :-) As for all the colors...I LOVE THEM! I prefer to use Sharpies; in fact, I'm obsessed with Sharpies of all kinds (more marker-type than pen). For some reason, I feel like everything so much more fun when colors are involved! Way to rock it out and keep up the awesome job!! :-)πŸ“πŸ’―πŸ˜ŽπŸŒΌπŸŽ‰ Love this!!

  11. I am curious about the colors. Is there a "key" to what color represents what? Or is it just color for color's sake, and the pages become works of art? I say, it's fine in either case. I am just a nosy reader.

    Kevin Hodgson
    Sixth Grade Teacher
    Western Massachusetts


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