Try This! - Write When You're Stuck

From Stephanie Burgis:

I never outline my books ahead of time, but once I'm in the middle of writing them, I often sit down with a notebook to figure out what the most important issues in the book are turning out to be, and where I need to go from there. Often I ask myself questions, like, Why IS this character doing that? Or: what does my heroine really NEED? 

These particular pages are from the notebook I kept while I was writing the first draft of my book STOLEN MAGIC. Whenever I got stuck, I'd sit down and use my notebook to sort out my thoughts and ask myself questions about the story and the characters until I figured out where to go next.

We all get stuck sometimes - in writing and in life.  Try using your notebook when you're in a feeling-stuck-time.  Writing may help you sort out a plot as you see here, or it may help you solve a problem in your real life.  Go ahead and ask yourself questions on the page.

Here's mine:

Click to Enlarge this Notebook Page

Stephanie Burgis grew up in Michigan but now lives in Wales, surrounded by castles and coffeeshops. Her trilogy of MG fantasy adventures is out now, starting with KAT, INCORRIGIBLE. You can find out more (and read excerpts from her books) on her website:

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