I debated for a long time about how many notebooks to keep: one for school, one for poetry, one for my calendar/agenda, one for everyday household business, one for—yep, that was too many notebooks to juggle.
In the end, I do keep a separate binder for my teacher stuff, but for all other purposes I have Just One Notebook. I use it for intentional sitting-down-to-write, but it’s also the one that I take to writing conferences, to services at my congregation, to political meetings, to wellness workshops.
The pages below are from a workshop called “Redefining Health,” and they definitely do not capture the organized thread of the presentation! Instead you see my doodled, fonted, decorated, designed version of it. There are records of certain turns of phrase, questions for myself, pairings of words, tangents, direct quotes, and lots of possibilities for mining poems from the graphic details.
I’m calling this thing you might also like to try Doodle Your Listening. Carry your notebook anywhere you’ll be sitting and listening -- in the car with the radio on, in church, at a meeting, at the pool where people don’t know you’re listening! Design and decorate your notes to see what happens!
Here's mine:
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