I scanned in an old writer's notebook entry from when I lived in NYC. I used to bring my writer's notebook on the Subway with me and a sultry day in July was no exception. I did this since I wanted my students to understand they could write anything going on around them while they were on mass transit or on the school bus.
Go to a public place and write about what you see. Don't worry about what people are thinking, just observe and record.
Here's mine:
Click to Enlarge this Notebook Page
Stacey Shubitz is a certified literacy specialist who consults with public school districts and independent schools to support teachers with balanced literacy instruction. She is a former classroom teacher who taught fifth grade at P.S. 171 in East Harlem, NY and fourth grade at The Learning Community in Central Falls, RI. She is one of the founders of the blog Two Writing Teachers.
We do a writing marathon as part of our summer writing camp. We take this kids out into the wild and they write what they see and hear around them, a writing field trip of sorts. I love the reminder that we can write anywhere.