By Finn:
Get your notebook and head outside. Look at all of the cool things you see. Walk slowly and try to notice things you might normally just walk past. Jot down ideas to write about later. When you get back inside choose your favorite ones and try to make a poem.
When we did walked and wrote as a class, our teacher read STEP GENTLY OUT by Helen Frost to get us started. This book has amazing close-up pictures, and the whole book is a poem.
You might like to take your camera with you to remember what you see on your walk. On our class walk, I saw a bunch of bees that looked like a swarm of people I saw at Comicon. The bees were busy on a flowering tree. I imagined what they were doing in this poem.
Try letting a walk and a book inspire you to write new entries and poems in your notebook too.
Click to Enlarge this Notebook Page
Finn is in third grade in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He likes to draw and loves to go to things like conventions about comics and anime. Finn is really interested in Marvel Comics. He wrote an informational book on Marvel this year. He likes to play baseball and go camping.
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What an interesting walk you made of this! Once we had a squirrel that lived in the woods near our house, and sometimes when he would scamper through the trees, acorns would fall down hard and sometimes hit us. The pine cone "grenades" made me think of that. Thanks for sharing!